Sunday, August 30, 2015


Do not mistake my forgiveness as condoning of your asshat-ery. I do not forgive you for your sake. I forgive you for my own. If I do not forgive you, I give you power over my life; I become bitter; I dwell in constant angst over what you did/who you are; I let you dictate my life.

Do not think for one second that I have forgotten your asshat moves. Do not think that I have rebuilt the bridges that you not only burned but knocked over the support structures. Every single bridge rebuilding is on you. Every. Single. Brick. I have other bridges that are beautiful and strong and lead to people I actually care about. I will be tending those bridges.

I really could care less if you try and rebuild the bridge. I could care less, but I really don't care to. Again, to care less than I already do means that I send more energy (even if it's negative) to you. And I choose to not do that.

So, yes. I forgive you. But not because you deserve it. But because I do.

Monday, March 30, 2015

MAKE it Better

Note: this is an email letter that I sent to friends/family. -gmb

Let's MAKE it better:
Please feel free to forward (or delete...or whatever!) I just was thinking and wanted to send a quick note. (And please forward on to any "kids" that have been in my classes/theater stuff that aren't on this list! I was just trying to send this quickly and know I've missed a lot of people! And some are not on my friend list.)

ANYWAY!!! I've been thinking (again...and more) about life and death and the cycle of Be-ing that we play in the cycle. We're all going to die some day. And we're all going to grieve someone's passing before we go. 

But, I want to encourage all of you. Continue being the Beautiful YOU that you are. Continue connecting to the people around you. Continue experiencing life. Continue reaching out with love to those around you. Continue growing into the best version of you that you can be!

And, when you hit those patches in life that feel like you are staring into an abyss of absolute despair and darkness and pain in the pit of your stomach that is never going to get better and stress is making you break out in hives and migraines are probably going to keep you in bed forever and a day and food tastes horrible and you know you should drink some water but dammit that means moving 5 feet from where you currently are.......

PLEASE REMEMBER:THERE ARE PEOPLE ROOTING FOR YOU! There are people willing to help carry the load! There are people who really do know what the heck you're experiencing. And there are people who truly, truly love you and would move mountains for you.

This is a step beyond, "It gets better." 

This is "Let's MAKE it better." 

I pledge to make it better. I pledge to make it better with YOU. It won't always be easy. As a matter of fact, there will be times that it is downright ... icky. But I promise you, I will stand up for making it better. I will stand shoulder to shoulder with you to make it better. I will fight for my connection to you. I will share the love that I carry with those I come in contact with. 

And that, my dear loves, is my pledge to you.


Thursday, January 29, 2015

Gina's Season of More! 2015

This will be where I post my inspirational messages during the upcoming Season of More.

Only a couple more weeks until Mardi Gras & Gina's Season of More! What are you ready to move into or out of your life? What do you want to see more of in the coming year? What are you grateful for? Start gathering your thoughts together and don't miss this year's sharing!

(Check back starting February 17, 2015 for daily inspiration and sharings from GinaMarie!)

Topics (Things I am contemplating and will most likely post a small something or 'nother about them*):
-More! My Personal Pursuit of Peace, Love, Joy, & Prosperity
-Personal Alchemy: Turning a Shi**y Day to Gold
-Giving & Receiving
-Are You My Mother? (or finding your place in your own world)

-Comment for a topic or idea that you would like to see me write about!

*Subject to change without notice!

Saturday, January 24, 2015


Note: This will be an ongoing journal of various thoughts, ruminations and the like that pertain to writing and are most likely prompted by the Your Novel Year 2015 course that I am currently taking. I may turn it into its own blog. Probably a good idea...


(Note: Evidently, this is something important to me. I wrote about this about 20 days ago. I hadn't remembered that I had. I thought it was all still just kicking around inside my brain! Well, one of these days I'll have to combine them.)

The characters of a story are made by the world they inhabit. The world of a story are affected by the characters that inhabit it. It's a cycle that is inter-dependent. Just how inder-dependent is up to the type of story.
I believe there are 4 types of stories. They stem from a rubric containing Story on the x-axis, and World on the y-axis. On the both of the sides (columns and rows), there are two categories: Simple, Complex. Fill in the table and you have 4 types of stories.
                                                     Story (Simple)                                Story (Complex)
World (Simple)         1. SimpleStory/SimpleWorld           2. ComplexStory/SimpleWorld
World (Complex)     4. SimpleStory/ComplexWorld        3. ComplexStory/ComplexWorld

1. A Simple Story in a Simple World requires a lot of audience input. They already know the basic rules of the world, the characters are known (or at least easily understandable), and the story makes an obvious point. An example of SimpleStory/SimpleWorld would be an Aesop's Fable. The audience understands that a lion is big and strong, a mouse is small and weak, a thorn in the foot really hurts, and being caught in a net would not be an easy thing to get out of. The story rolls along and everyone learns that even small and insignificant things can really be rather important. Or that you better make sure to repay a debt or you will be forever beholden and unable to get free of the ties that bind. 

2. In a Complex Story with a Simple World, the main focus is on the story. The World may be interesting, but it isn't a main player in the story. You could plunk the story into any world and the story would be able to continue. An example of this is Lord of the Rings. Yes. LOTR. The setting really is very simple. Beautiful, but simple. You have the Shire. You have Rivendale. You have Mordor. You have Rohan. The intricacies of the story, and what make it something that people read, re-read, obsess over are the characters and the story. The story is incredibly complex. Different pieces have to be understood to understand other pieces that may or may not take place. But, those pieces may not be fully relevent unless you know and understand the history of the characters--the why and whatfors of all those pieces. The way they weave together, turn back on themselves, flow back to a some destination in the future, that is what makes LOTR, Lord of the Rings.

3. A Complex Story in a Complex World requires a LOT of author input. The author must make sure the audience understands the various levels of the world because it acts as another character in the story. The reader has to understand the world to be able to understand the story. The story has lots of twists, turns, and layer upon layer upon layer. An example of a Complex Story/Complex World is Isaac Asimov's Foundation Series. Things unfold. Oh, but that unfolding actually folded something else inside it and now there is something else that must be unfolded. And then, once that piece is unfolded, you realize there are 1,000 Paper Cranes and you hope to make a wish. But, before you can make a wish you have to refold all of the cranes to make any sense of your wish in the first place!

4. That brings us to a Simple Story in a Complex World. At its core, the story is simple and known. The world makes the story spectacular because it's intricate, intersting, and gives a lot of opportunities for whiz-bang things to happen. An example of SimpleStory/ComplexWorld is Star Wars. Yes. SimpleStory/ComplexWorld. The complexity of a world that existed "a long time ago, in a far distant galaxy" is obvious. This story would not be as spectacular if it was in a different world. But the story is a simple one: Good vs. Evil, Light vs. Dark, Us vs. Them. But what about, the story of Annikan Skywalker becoming Darth Vader? Is he on the side of the Rebels or the Empire? He is the Empire. Good vs. Evil. And what about Yoda teaching Luke Skywalker that he holds keys to unlocking the true release of anyone held in captivity? Is he with the Rebels or Empire? Well, he has to decide and...Light vs. Dark. It's a story that has been told since stories have been being told: someone wants to be all-powerful and seeks to rule. And will do it via any oppressive means necessary. Someone else will stand up to them and say, "That's not right." Yes, there are side stories and the characters have various levels of conflict in deciding which side they will help. But, in the end, it's Us vs. Them.

All of these stories are necessary and entertaining. They are also important because they hold mirrors for us to look at ourselves and our connections to each other and our own world.  Sometimes, our story is simple. Sometimes it is complex. Sometimes the setting takes a large role in what happens in our story. Sometimes it doesn't. But, in the end, we get to participate in very diverse and complex stories in an increasingly complex and diverse world.
What will my final story be?


In oral storytelling, we very rarely tell a story in sequential order. I may start telling a story about when I went to the store:
I went to the store yesterday. I went in, and was walking through the produce department. And, oh yeah, I was wearing my favorite blue scarf. Anyway, I was by the oranges and the end of my scarf was sitting on the oranges. And the guy who had been standing there picking out oranges when I walked up said, "Hey! I'm here to get some oranges. Not the blues."
But we HEAR it sequentially. We put the scarf on me before I entered and had me walk up to the man standing at the oranges.
In my writing, how do I take advantage of that natural tendency of the brain to organize things into some sort of logical order? Is it even possible? Or will I have to write that way then put it in that order for the reader?

(email that I sent to Michael Stackpole--instructor for YNY)

Question: How essential is it to repost pieces that we re-work after suggestions? 
The comments and suggestions that you gave me for the world & character hooks are being considered (and worked on) as I continue writing and working on this week's assignments (and I hope those show in those new things!). And yes, I know that posting updated stuff to the forums then gives opportunity for feedback from classmates. But I'm just wondering how to best use my time.
Ah. I just realized that I am working through time-management: 

How do I make sure to spend time writing every day, doing assignments, read assigned reading, write, read from the reading list, write, read classmates postings, write suggestions to classmates postings, re-read responses to my postings, write some more, and oh, yeah, show up for work so I can continue paying bills, take care of family responsibilities, take a hike break, eat something more than the 2 stale fig newtons hiding in my book bag, make sure my sexual needs are being taken care of, go to board meetings, jot random ramblings into my notebook when I'm not writing, and actually make sure I get outside at least once a day?


In any case...does the "grade" for participating each week include the posting of continuing non-editing development and integration of your suggestions?
(I haven't decided if I should be drinking more or less coffee...)


Story vs. World
I have been contemplating what stories I am interested in knowing more about. Anyone can write stories about bigger than life assholes and heroes. But what about the people who are the "ordinary" citizens making things happen, making their world a better place, getting things done? What are their stories? Would those be stories that I want to know? 

What makes people interested in a story? Characters that they understand. Characters they want to understand. Characters that make them contemplate the fact that their own lives are better/worse than the characters' lives.

The other aspect that draws people in is the setting. Does the audience know this world? What would make it intriguing? Do they already understand how it works? Does it include unknown vistas to travel to or well-worn trails that they've been down 1547 times? Places they want to revisit? Places they hope never to see again but can't help but see?

There is a rubric of a story vs. a world. It is a 2x2 grid. The columns are the STORY, one column labeled simple, the other complex. The rows are the WORLD, one row labeled simple, the other complex. So, the rubric filled in would give us the following combinations:

1. Simple Story, Simple World
2. Complex Story, Simple World
3. Complex Story, Complex World
4. Simple Story, Complex World

Simple Story, Simple World
The stories are simple--they tell a moral, they usually have just a couple characters, they are finished within a few minutes. The world is known--the rules are well understood by the reader.
An example of this would be Aesop's Fables.  These stories require a lot of reader input. For instance, in the Mouse and the Lion, the reader needs to know that a mouse is small, a lion is large, thorns in the hand really hurt, big meaty paws cannot grasp little tiny slivers, and everyone can use a helping hand at some point. 

These stories stick with people because of the simplicity and the lessons learned. They are usually neat, tidy, and easily portable. An aperitif of a larger world.

Complex Story, Simple World
The rules of the world are known. The main focus is the story that takes place, with layers of intrigue, unknown motives, and plot twists.
I cannot quite think of a story that fits this category yet.

Complex Story, Complex World
This world is relatively unknown. The setting becomes a major character in this story. The twists and turns of the unknown story arc are dictated, in part, by where and when the story takes place. The author is responsible for giving almost all of the information needed to the reader. Yes, the readers will have their knowledge base and understanding, but for the full depth of what's taking place, the author will have to make sure they have all the pieces of the puzzle.
This doesn't mean the author spoon-feeds the reader and doesn't let them make inferences. It means the author lays out the table and gives the opportunity for the reader to put together a really beautiful plate of reading food. Or maybe they are spoon-fed, but in such a manner as to where the reader thinks it's their doing. 

An example of this version is Isaac Asimov's Foundation Series. This category draws people in and makes it memorable because of its complexity. A reader can come back again and again and find something new every time. They can even re-read it at a different point in their lives and see it in an entirely different light and still be drawn in to the story. People can read it, re-read it, and re-read it again and come away satisfied with a well told story.

This is the category of story that gets savored and treasured and hardbound copies get passed down through generations. It holds up even when times, circumstances, and real world structures change.

Simple Story, Complex World
In this category, the story is known and well-understood. The setting is complex and makes for a whiz-bang experience. The world is a complex character in this, but that doesn't make the story complex. 

An example of this is Star Wars. At its boiled down bones, it is a story of Good vs. Evil. The reader understands and appreciates the plight of oppression and standing up for self and keeping the evil other from taking over. 

In a complex world, there is room for everyone. With the simple story, it is much easier to choose a place in the complex world. Even the intrigues are about the side of the story the characters are on--good or evil.

That's not to say the reader cannot get a new experience from re-reading the story again and again. But it's more along the lines of traveling a well-known trail.

So, that brings me back to the beginning. What stories do I want to know more about? What type of stories do I want to tell? What do I need to do to fit into the rubric?

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