Thursday, May 12, 2016

Contemplation of Blessings

This morning, while re-reading various emails to make sure I've checked things off of my list, I began reflecting on the practice by Rand Jenkins to put "Mahalo" at the end of his emails. And so, to start this reflection, I want to say aloha and mahalo to him for giving me a trigger to contemplate!

In reflecting the power of our words, the power of blessings and cursings that can be birthed by what we speak, the power of being connected to others, I realized “Mahalo” is so much bigger than just a “thank you” and “aloha” so much more than hello/goodbye/love. They are an acknowledgement of connection, of truly seeing another, of centered power.

I decided to dig a little bit online and see what Google-verse had to say. One of the pieces I read was the invocation of the divine (aloha) and giving of blessing (mahalo). Another had a question of “what do you say in response to ‘Mahalo’?” 

This made me realize that connecting more fully with the intent of the words is incredibly important. If/when someone says “mahalo” to me (it doesn’t happen all the time, but hey…I’ll be prepared!) if I hear and receive it as a blessing and acknowledgement of appreciation, I can respond with my own blessing of “mahalo” or even “aloha”.

In essence, it is also the center spark that is “Namaste”. It is the “Beauty Way”. It is the “Way of the Peaceful Warrior”. It is “Woman’s Way Red Lodge”. It is any and all of the philosophies of interconnectedness that connects us all to a common center.

So, I could also respond with any other wording that expresses my gratitude for their Be-ing and connecting with me.

And with that thought in mind, to anyone reading/sharing/connecting/contemplating this I say, “Blessings and thank you. Love and light to you. Aloha and Mahalo.”

Websites visited during this contemplation:

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