Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Season of MORE!: Water

"As babies we are approximately 75 to 80% water and as we grow older this percentage decreases until the percentage is reduced to approximately 60 to 65% for men and 50 to 60% for women. The human brain is about 85% water and our bones are between 10 to 15% water." (

We all know this (or some statistic that is fairly close to this). And we all know we need to stay hydrated for various and sundry reasons. So, I'm not going to go on about that.
Instead, I encourage you to re-experience water. Be aware of it in your everyday life. Take time to walk next to a body of water. Soak in a tub. Savor it when you drink it.
We all have done (or read about or heard of...) the mindfulness exercise where you eat one raisin and over-experience it. (One version of the exercise is here:
Try this same exercise with water. Or try being "in the moment" the next time you take a sip of water. (It's like a 5-second vacation, btw...) It's as if you can feel each individual molecule and is such a great experience of gratitude for Water that is the essence of US (vs. the essence of wetness....)

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Season of MORE! 2016: Compassion vs. Kindness

We're always told to be kind.

I say we should not be kind. Well, we shouldn't be ONLY kind.

We should also be COMPASSIONATE.

Kindness is just being nice.

Compassion, on the other hand, means that we empathize and feel for those that we are being kind to. Another way of thinking about it is "being kind WITH". (I know, I know...I shouldn't end a sentence with a proposition, but...)

Compassion is risky, though. We have to step outside of our own little safe, secure, well-known self-contained views of the world and risk changing who we are. Because that happens. When we see things from the perspective of another, we stop seeing it just our way. We expand our view to include another. It may not be one we like or agree with, but we at least know what the view is and can choose which one we are going to look from.


Be courageous. Be willing to look from a place other than your own little-head-space. Be willing to see others through their own eyes.

And be more than kind. Be compassionate.

Season of MORE! 2016-Posts

Compilation of posts that I posted on FaceBook. -gmb

Today: MORE MUPPETS! Nothing else needs to be said.

Yesterday I walked past the kid's bathroom. The door was wide open, 9-yr old sister was sitting on the toilet. 7-yr old brother was standing almost knee-to-knee with her talking a mile-a-minute.
Me: Hey. Let your sister pee in peace.
7-year old, gesturing emphatically: I'm in LINE.
Me: Well, wait in LINE in the hallway, goofball!
We've all been cracking up at that one for the last two days.

Laughter makes us breathe again. Sometimes that's all we need to change our day.

Love & Laughter to you today!

Today: MORE! LOVE!
True love doesn't define us. True love amplifies is. -Scott Godwin​.

What do you love so much that it amplifies the very essence of your being? Share that love with others!

Today: MORE FUN! Check out this video. It looks like OK Go just had FUN making it! And the choreography & logistics that it took to make this happen...pretty incredible!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Season of More! 2016: Joyous Surprise

My mornings consist of wrangling (sometimes literally...) 4 children into some semblance of readiness for school. We've gotten the lunch routine to take place in the evenings along with putting out clothes for the next day. 

But, that still leaves: waking up, actually putting the clothes on, figuring out what they want to eat for breakfast...eating breakfast, putting on socks & shoes, getting on coats, getting lunches from the fridge, Will you PLEASE put on your socks & shoes, making sure snow pants are in backpacks--unless you're wearing them, get your backpack, WHY HAVE YOU NOT PUT ON YOUR SHOES & SOCKS YET?, brushing hair, yes, you can go poop, but please hurry...we're getting in the car, backpackbackpackbackpackBACK.PACK!....Your shoes go on your FEET, not in your backpack...I have no idea where you put your homework...I told you to put it in your BACKPACK last night...

OK. Everyone's in the car? Leave your sister alone. Get in the car. Buckle up. Buckle up. BUCKLE! 

And then we jam out to Pink and get gum (if we've made it out of the driveway by the pre-appointed time) and get everyone to school and I pick up a coffee at the gas station (and often times a sleeve of those grossly awesome chocolate covered mini-donuts) and then on to work.

Today, Grandma Cheryl was coming over to take everyone to school. Everyone was at the table eating, their coats and backpacks were all laid out by the door ready for them,  and I said, "I'm going to go change my clothes." (It was 7:30a. and I was still in my pajamas.) So, I'm in my room changing. I hear the front door open and think, "Ah! Mom's here. Great." I'm only half listening for any exchange with her as we're still working on actually greeting someone when they come in the door. I get my clothes on and decide to put shoes on in the living room. 

I open my bedroom door. It's quiet in the front part of the house. 

A little TOO quiet.

I walk out. The 14-year old comes out of the bathroom and asks, "Where are the kids?"

I don't know. Their coats aren't there any more. Neither are their backpacks. The dishes are all still on the table, but they're empty. I look out the front window. They're not playing out front. And Grandma Cheryl's car isn't out there. I look in back. They're not there. 

A tiny sliver of panic tries to wiggle into my brain. 

No. They're probably over on the side of the house. 

I throw my shoes on and go outside. I don't hear them, but...the acoustics on the side of the house can make the noise not come around to the front door, right?

I go to the side. No one. 

The sliver starts to wedge solidly into my heart as I turn to go back into the house...

And see all four of them, grinning like the goofballs they are, sitting in the car, buckled with their shoes on, coats on, backpacks at their feet. 

They wanted to surprise me and had most solidly "got me". 

These kids! I love 'em.

Season of MORE! 2016

40 Days of MORE!

Today is the official kick-off day to Gina's Season of More 2016! What are you ready to move into or out of your life? What do you want to see more of in the coming year? What are you grateful for? Start gathering your thoughts together and don't miss this year's sharing!

This came about a few years ago when I jokingly said that for Lent I was going to give up Lent. (I've never really participated in Lent, having been raised Pentecostal, was a statement that made me laugh!)

But, then I started thinking...We all give up a lot in our pursuit of ... whatever we are pursuing. And giving up something that brings us pleasure or brings us in alignment with the suffering of others ...well, it's not pleasurable and it definitely highlights suffering. So, what happens if we instead focus on things that we want to BRING IN to our lives? What if we emphasized and paid attention to the things that bring us joy and pleasure and love and peace?

Now, I'm not saying to ignore the suffering and plights of the World around us. I'm saying magnify and expand the things that can uplift others. By doing so, we change, metamorphosize and transmorgrify that which is around us. We become moving Be-ings of alchemy. We take the phrase "Be the change you wish to see in the world" up a notch.

So, I invite you to join me on this #WarriorWednesday and practice #JoyfulWarriorsInAction. Take a risk, smile at people you don't know! Savor that special piece of chocolate! Indulge your whimsy as you take a moment to look out the window and daydream during work (not too long, of course...) :)

40 Days of More.

What are you ready to move into or out of your life? What do you want to see more of in the coming year? What are you grateful for? Start gathering your thoughts together and don't miss this year's sharing!

Post once (or More!) a day:

  • One thing you are grateful for and could use more of in your life.
  • Something that you think is just beautiful.
  • A funny thing that made you literally LOL.
  • A thank you to someone who has touched your life to make it better.
  • Your love for someone that you are thinking of.
  • What moves you?!
Post on your own wall. Post on my wall. Post here in this group. Post on your refrigerator at home. Post SOMEWHERE you will see it and be reminded of the beauty that surrounds us.

Topics (Things I am contemplating and will most likely post a small something or 'nother about them*):
-More! My Personal Pursuit of Peace, Love, Joy, & Prosperity
-Personal Alchemy: Turning a Shi**y Day to Gold
-Giving & Receiving
-Are You My Mother? (or finding your place in your own world)

-Comment for a topic or idea that you would like to see me write about!

*Subject to change without notice!

Monday, February 1, 2016

I used to think I was just awkward...

I've always been a little awkward. I’m 5’7” tall. While that makes me an inch too short to be a runway model, it makes me taller than the “average woman” by 3-4 inches. It has been that way my entire life. I wasn’t ever the tallest girl in class, but I was definitely bigger than many of them.

Buying clothes was always difficult because of being tall and thin. I’d find jeans that fit my waist and they would be too short. I’d find ones that were long enough and they would fall off of me. I got really good at not really caring what my clothes were. (Or really good at acting like I didn’t care and eventually believing my own acting!)

In any case, being “bigger” than a lot of kids made me self-conscious and definitely awkward. Then came puberty. If I hadn’t felt awkward BEFORE then, it would have definitely kicked in then. My menstrual cycles began and they were anything but normal. My cycles were flipped: bleed for 20 days, then a week or so of not. There were periods of time that I had to wear a tampon and a pad just to keep from bleeding out. And Junior High bathrooms are not the most conducive places for feeling comfortable about yourself when you’re losing blood and need to dispose of something in a discreet manner. 

I was raised in a church culture that preached that a woman’s cycles and cramps and bleeding and pain during childbirth were all because of her disobedience to God. And it was a woman’s fault that we were all kicked out of the Garden of Eden. Great. Add shame to the awkward puberty bloodiness.

Then…there were the social interactions. I experienced my first REAL crush: heart palpitations, sweaty palms, flushed skin…that boy made my heart skip! Jeez…One more addition: crushes, shame, awkward puberty. Blood. Just wait. It gets more awkward, because there are more social interactions! 

Hanging out with the other girls…the petite, perfect hair, well applied makeup, fashiony-fashion, perky girls…I just felt like a lanky, dorky dork. Being taller than a lot of the girls, not that great at figuring out fashion and the general dorkiness of being made me feel…awkward. I would get all tongue tied and feel like a lumbering oaf much of the time. I thought I was hilarious and had some funny things to share, but feeling like a lout definitely kept most of my comments to myself.

Needless to say…I was glad when I graduated and went to college. 

College for me was not a hot-bed of experimentation and exploration. Well, not completely. Refer back to the how I was raised. Instead of experimenting, I got married. And then I met another man that I fell in love with. Shit. I didn’t even know I had the capacity to love two people at the same time in the same way. Definitely. Awkward. Especially not being able to talk to one about the other.

Jump ahead several years. The affair was over. So was the marriage. I had a couple of boyfriends since then. I had tried to share some of the fantasies that were in my head with them, in particular that I wondered what it would be like to be with a woman. One boyfriend just didn’t seem to comprehend that. Uh…what do you say when your lover looks at you as if you’re just a tad delusional? Again…awkward.

Then, I went on a swing cruise. A swing DANCE, cruise. Not a swingers cruise. But the funny part about that…there were three of us who met at that cruise and who stayed in contact after the cruise. And, well, one thing led to another and we decided we should have a threesome. Now, here’s a tip to lower the level of awkwardness for the first time on something like this: make some things a game. For instance, we made a rule that whenever we came into the apartment, the last one out of their clothes was a rotten egg. It made the awkwardness of getting undressed around 2 mostly acquaintances less so.

In any case…it was fun, it was fulfilling, it was exciting and alluring and heart pounding and laughter filled and really the best first experience that could have been had. 
So, there I am, in the middle of making out with two other people, and I think, "Oh. I’m attracted to women, too. Duh. I guess that means I’m bi-sexual. OK." 

Oh. Oh! OOOoohh! High school suddenly made WAY more sense. When I had physical reactions to males, I understood it was because I liked them, had a crush on them. When I had those same reactions to females, I just chalked it up to my own general goofiness and insecurities. It hadn’t even crossed my mind that there could be such a possibility. My body knew even if my brain didn't. I had physiological reactions to PEOPLE. I was attracted to people.

So, jump ahead several more years and I’m sharing my awkward story here. What’s the point of it all? At the very least, I can reflect on what I’ve learned about being me.

From my awkwardness, I learned to be myself in uncomfortable situations. I learned to be comfortable enough with myself to be able to help others feel less awkward themselves. I learned to be willing to take a risk, to look a fool and truly embrace who I am. I learned about my capacity to give and receive love. 

I’ve learned that Who I am is not dictated by who I am Attracted to. Who I am attracted to is not necessarily an indicator of who I fall in love with. And Who I love is not bound by the edicts and guidelines that tie me to the past.  

And while I used to think I was just awkward, I’ve learned that I’m just me.

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